Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Ramping Up Again

Greetings, one and all! Well, after a rough start, things are starting to level out. We opened up with some set redesigns, to make the locations more visually interesting. Next up, we moved into working on the furniture for our new stunt blades, designing and crafting the guards and pommels. After that, there was a quick pass through our old contacts to see if there might be any leads on actors for the new project.

Last but not least, the stunt team met again, and divided up into two roles. The first team set about taking a fight that had been choreographed by two different pairings, and shaping it into one cohesive whole. The second team integrated the training of our newest member by developing a short choreographed fight, using the skills learned thus far.

While both groups ended up very tired, they did well, and created a solid foundation for things to come.

Well, that’s about all for this week. Until next time!

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

The Return of the Team

Greetings, one and all! So… this last week was a little disappointing. It started promisingly enough with things like working on props, and reaching out to potential actors. We even arranged a meeting or two. But all that came to an abrupt halt when the flu that has been racing through the local area caught up with us. It was a nasty one that pretty well laid us out.

Thankfully, it didn’t touch the three youngest, who then helped facilitate the big thing we managed to achieve this week: The return of the stunt team from Christmas break.

With the probationary period over, the stunties made sure the new member was versed in the must-have skill set for a stuntie, namely falling and dying, while also refining their own dramatic presentation. All the benchmarks were met to our satisfaction, so it looks like the newest stuntie will be able to fill some role in our next project, no matter what.

Well, that’s about all for this week. Until next time!

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Updates and Outreach

Greetings, one and all! As the holidays draw to a close, we are valiantly attempting to make the most of the free time. First off, working on Mk. II of an old prop mod. Here’s the blaster at its mid-point.

Trying to make this two-tone versus a ubiquitous black provided some challenges, as we have to paint the parts that go inside the main shell, then seal it up and paint the exterior. So we did the core barrel structure, and then a quick coat around the areas that contact said barrel. Also I had to make sure we didn’t get paint inside the screw holes, so they could be filled later. Tedious, but we’ll see how it all turns out.

Next up, we reached out to a fellow filmmaker who’d expressed interest in working with us, and at the time of writing we’re setting up a meeting. Next up, we read a couple of the stunties for one of the more combat intensive roles in the script…

We are also reaching out to other former actors, to see if they’d be interested in trying out for various roles, as well.

Lastly, of course, the music sessions. There’s not much to say there, at the moment, other than that we are making slow and steady progress forward.

Well, that’s about all for this week. Until next time!

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Merry Christmas!

Greetings, one and all! As our regular blog day falls on Christmas this year, I know most of you will probably have better things to do than sit here and read our filmmaking blog, I shall keep it short, and just offer some teasers…

First off, in preparation for the next project, we’ve been reconnecting with some old friends and making some new ones. At least one former actor is joining the team in a more behind the scenes production capacity, which is greatly appreciated. Second, we’ve finally gotten into modding a few props for the movie. Lastly, naturally there were more music sessions. But for most of these things, they are all in early stages. If all goes well, we’ll have more details in next week’s update.

Well, that’s about all for this week. Until next time, have a Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Assessments and Exercises

Greetings, one and all! So, let’s see… filmmaking news… Well, first off, script reviews for the last rendition are finally in, and revisions have been made, so now the script is off for its copy edit. Next up, more costume design work, as well as cataloging our current sci-fi props, and trying to figure out how to actually make the ones that we still need. Also, as we have begun to crawl out of the sickness hole, we’ve started to work on more music, this time for Block 1.

Lastly, despite the illness going around, most of the veteran stunties managed to meet on Sunday, and participated in a skirmish exercise with some very specific constraints. Namely, pick two weapons, but you can never use the same weapon in consecutive rounds.

Polearms showed why they were the king of the battlefield, but the sword showed why it was the sidearm of choice, for when things get even more up close and personal. The team will be taking a break for Christmas, but come the new year, we’re looking to refine the choreography for the major duels from our current script.

Well, that’s about all for this week. Until next time!

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

A Weekly Assortment

 Greetings, one and all! A tired man probably shouldn’t be writing these blogs before the sun’s even up, but such is December. Still, I’ll try to remember what happened this week…

First off, of course, we did manage some more composing sessions, which fleshed out some scenes, and gave us final lock on Block 4.

Next up, along with some ship designs, I think those helmets I was talking about last week officially have their initial design lock. There’s always the transition from concept to prop, but a good start, so far. Thirdly, a review pass of the script to make sure we didn’t miss anything in the breakdowns led to the discovery of some dialogue that could stand to be tightened up, so that’s now done.

Lastly, due to a combination of random festivities and a sudden onset of yet more sickness, the stunt team did not meet this week, which means whatever the above photos are were probably screen grabs from some BTS work…

Well, that’s about all for this week. Until next time!

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Coming to a Point

Greetings, one and all! This week very much focused on the Thanksgiving holiday, but on either end of that we still managed to get a fair bit done. First off, working on designs for the movie, primarily uniforms and creatures. While I think the uniforms proper are coming along fairly well, the helmets for the boarding team still need some work. After that, we managed to get in a couple more composing sessions, fleshing out a few scenes.

Lastly, a sudden shift in availability led to us scrambling to come up with a training regimen for one new person and a handful of veterans. So we settled for a middle ground, where the veterans could try some new things, while the trainee could familiarize herself with the basics of cutting, parrying, and having a sword swung at your face. Then, as the temperature dropped, we retired indoors and practiced the art of the thrust.

Funny and epic moments were had, progress was made, and we draw ever closer to being able to fully integrate the new people into stunt team work.

Well, that’s about all for this week. Until next time!