Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Chaos Commencing

So just a brief update this week. We've begun editing CotF, and radically re-organized the office,. Surprisingly, we managed to fit all of the costumes and most of the props from three separate projects into one closet.
 However, it did take us two days...
We worked on more unit tactics with the stunt team for about an hour, before getting hailed out. When you're screaming instructions at someone four inches from their ear, and they still can't hear you, you've got a problem. That little storm lasted about half an hour.

There was a bit of a hiccup when the editing software didn't recognize any of the footage from the shoot, but we got that sorted after about five hours of trial and error.
Well, that's about all for this week. Until next time!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Status: Complete!

 After that fantastic runaround, it is with great joy that I report the new editing computer is COMPLETE! (...and running quite well to boot.) Now to find a place to put it. Hmm...
The team convened yet again this Sunday to train in massed close combat and plot for the next episode of The Game (aka. Chaos on the Fringe.) After maneuver drills we divided into two teams and practiced with the tactical variations required when you can't back up, cut from below, or circle.

Chaos ensued, and many "deaths" were accidental. We might need to work on that...
So that about sums up this week. Hopefully by next we'll be able to report on the first phases of the CotF edit process, Until then!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Yeah… so the computer parts came, I assembled them, we tried to boot up… the disc drive was faulty. *sigh* The replacement should be arriving today. Hopefully that’s the last problem we have. (At least the last one that requires more shopping...)

Stunt team this week focused on shortsword basics, with an expanded look at the spear, and a brief diversion into unarmed combat. (Specifically, punching and kicking with power.)

What with the new computer system not cooperating, I got a little bored and decided to experiment a tad with some of the footage from the desert scene. First a basic color adjustment, followed by something a little more aggressive...

That’s about all for this week. Until next time!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Woo Hoo!!!

It is with great enthusiasm that I announce the following: After weeks and weeks of shopping and research, the parts have been ordered and the last pieces should be arriving today! If all goes well, we should have the new system up and running by next week. However, if Murphy strikes and we come up a few cables short, well… same time next week?

The stunt team met yet again and continued work on the swordplay fundamentals, including sword and shield, and unit maneuvers.

Sword and shield is where I started my own training, so I may have gotten a wee bit excited about it. Even with the complications of attack and defense with a longsword, maintaining the proper synergy between sword and shield is complicated, requiring a lot of drilling, but very rewarding once achieved. 

Anyway, that’s about all for this week. Until next time!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Tech Upgrade in Progress...

So, after the long slog, we finally have some good news. I think we pretty much have the parts for the new computer build locked in! (Woo hoo!!! *applause* etc.) We should hopefully be able to verify all that within the next couple days and put an order in.
In other news, work has started on the 3D models for some of the ships, but here's a sketch to tide you over until they're presentable.

In the down time this week, I played around with the recording from the last party game a bit, and discovered that I've really missed editing. Now I'm doubly anxious to get the parts, build the system, and get back to work.

So, until next time!