Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Opening Moves

So it begins. This week, two of our team members have reported in with good news. Between them, they've laid the foundation for the first of our fundraising gigs. Of course, time will tell what may come of it, but it's a promising start.

Among the other ideas that have been floated by the team, one is a summer medieval combat camp or class. To that end, the team is now learning how to teach what they have spent the last few years learning.

Naturally, this idea is something that has generated a markedly higher degree of enthusiasm. Ah... it's good to be back...

In other news, I can now also report that our internet is back, so we hope to get the short out this weekend.

Well, that's about all for this week. Until next time!

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Coming Soon

Hello again!
Due to the issues caused to shipping by the persistent ice storms, we are now in our 10th day without internet access. (Thus, I extend my thanks to all the people who have let us borrow their connections to do things like post these updates.)
That said, it is with a mix of joy and ironic humor that I announce the completion of our latest short, dubbed “Rift.”

However, even though it has been completed, we will be unable to post it for a little while, as there is currently no estimate on when our modem will arrive, and none of the borrowed bandwidth is up to the task.
Still, we press on. The completion of the short means I now have time to do some writing, and the team finally met after almost a month to come up with fundraising schemes, some of which are being implemented as I type.
A strange beginning to the month, for sure, but I'm trusting that this unexpected hiccup in general functions will be for the best.

Well, that's about all for now. Until next time!

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Tech Up, Tech Down

Greetings, one and all!
To be perfectly honest, I have no idea when this will be going out to you. It was written the morning of Tuesday, the 10th of January, but we've been without internet since Sunday morning, with no solution in sight. All fixes have been less than successful, and even brand new parts don't seem to help. That said, it's making me really glad that my editing and effects suites are so old, that they don't require access to “the Cloud,” or all productivity would really be at a halt.

This last week saw the finalization of the short; sound, music, color grading, the works. After several tweaks and subtle adjustments to get things sounding right, as well as a couple radically different edits, we hope to be able to say that this is our final version. The review for that will be later today.

Snow and ice have also kept some of us isolated up here on the hill for a bit over a week now, and that's on top of the storm from a few weeks back. Ah... for the traditional Oregon winter of torrential rains... So, here's to getting this out in a timely manner.

Well, that's about all for this week. Until next time!

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Trooping into 2017

Greetings one and all!
As you've probably seen, this December has been busier than most, and January may well be following in its footsteps. This weekend, our team met and did a shoot to round out the already filmed portions of the short. Another day on location, with the needle just a couple degrees above freezing, and they were all troopers, delivering their performances despite the elements.

We finished not a moment too soon, as snow began to fall yet again, which would have been a continuity nightmare, to say the least. 
I would speculate on what we'll be doing for the rest of the week, but this post is being written a bit early, as the week promises to be busy. So for now I'll say that's about all for this week, and see you next time!