Greetings, one and all! As expected, this week was a
little less productive, thanks to the Thanksgiving weekend, but we still
managed to make some notable progress. The first bit is market research, not
for the current project, per se, but for every one that comes from here on out.
Seeing what audiences naturally gel with the kinds of things we make, where they congregate, who the influencers are, and so on. Still early days, so we'll see where it leads.
Next up is making tiny ships. One particular location in the movie will have to
be filmed at two different scales, so we’ll need two versions of the model. One
to the scale of the tiny houses shown earlier, and another that’s much, much
Last but not least, the stunt team met on Sunday, and thanks to a very rainy
day, we had to go to Plan B: Choreographing a museum heist.
This one went a bit more Jackie Chan in its physical comedy, so it was pretty entertaining.
Well, that’s about all for this week. Until next time!