Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to one and all!

Only a couple points this week. First, I'm working on rewriting the second half of what I've dubbed the "Trooper's Tale," in reference to the Canterbury Tales. I like the new direction better, as it has more personal weight for the characters.
Second, I finally bit the bullet and made a pretty big step, one I probably should've made months ago. While I can't provide any details yet, time will tell what may come of it.
We'll be taking a break from the blog next week, so I suppose now is a good time to wish you all a Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Do You Wanna Play a Game?

This week has petty much been a repeat of the last several, with one giant exception. Sunday the team got together to try out a different form of story game, this time in full costume.


As usual, hilarity ensued, but what was different is we tried out some story driven combat, which worked remarkably well, as the conflicts escalated to the point where almost everybody at the party was "on stage." This experience has opened up new ideas that we may pursue, but that's pretty much all for now. Until next time!

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Once More...

So, once more we find ourselves on the brink of the Christmas hiatus, and thus also the Christmas break party and game. As per tradition, a new set of teammates will be flung into a world and expected to survive and, if they're very lucky, actually achieve their goal.
On the movie front, we drilled the team again this week...
After that, we experimented with various costumes for the above mentioned game. However, it does give me some character ideas...
We're still trying to find our footing on the next project. After work on the new scripts, we turned to working on some that had been started this last spring. Still no word on which way we'll go yet.

Well, that's about all for this week. Until next time!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Two Week Recap

Hello everyone! I hope y'all had a good Thanksgiving.
Well, it's back to the grind for us. I actually acquired a modicum of sense and commissioned someone with more Photoshop experience than I to work on the Othersight DVD cover. These past two Sundays, we taught the team more kicks, plus sword and shield, and more longsword.

I am somewhere around the fifth or seventh iteration of the first fourty-some pages of the new script, I'm kinda losing track. Constantly revising the tone and focus to get something that works with our strengths and the things we've learned these past few years... but mostly to keep the pace from dragging. Looking forward to seeing what it feels like when it's finished.

Well, that's about all for this week. Until next time!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving!

As we move into the holiday weekend, those of us here at Brightsword Productions want to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving! May you be safe in your travels, and have an amazing time with friends and family.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

The Week of Month

Yeah... that's probably the best way to describe it. This week has been very long and kinda frantic, yet somehow the whole thing can be boiled down into one post.

Last week the promo short went up, and immediately I became aware of something. I hated the title. Far too vague, and lacking something in personal identity, I suppose it will serve for now, as "our currently unnamed sci-fi project" just doesn't really roll off the tongue. 
Secondly, I was also made aware of the fact that many people thought it was a trailer for a project already in production, instead of what it is, a promo short to introduce people to a project we hope to make. Hopefully a few adjustments to the setup on YouTube will resolve that.

I'm also currently on the third attempt at starting the script over from scratch, the others suffering from tone and pacing issues.
Sunday the team met again, and this time we did the promo release recap, which helped underscore the issues that needed to be resolved. Following that, we did a session of longsword vs. spear.

Well, I thinks that gives a hyper-short summation of the week past. Here's looking forward to a future with a better effort to productivity ratio. Until next time!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Ladies and gentlemen, it is with great pleasure that I give to you our latest promo short!

 This project officially introduces our sci-fi universe to the world, with the hope and intent to gather enough support to film a series of stories within it.

Yes, today's update is brief, as everything was building up to this. Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Strike Like Lightning

This week we have been sewing up loose ends on the promo, a few edits, some effects tweaks, and the title card. That last point took up most of our time, since it's a fairly intensive animated sequence, featuring the logo coming up in a storm with rain, lightning, the works.
Sunday we taught the new members the first steps of punching and kicking properly. Apparently most of our work this week involved strikes of some kind. 

Well, that's about all for this week. Until next time!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Resolution of Summer

This week has been a series of little events resolving things begun many weeks before. First off, Saturday we finished filming for the promo with a glimpse of the villains.

Sunday we trained as always, focusing on the move/counter-move process of a duel.
Monday the Albany Democrat-Herald published our interview, and that has yielded some further local attention. Only time will tell what may come of it.
With all the shots in the can, we finally moved on to effects and color correction. As of Wednesday morning, we have four shots remaining to apply effects to and two to color correct, plus a title card and perhaps a brief credits sequence. If the muse strikes, there may be more, but that is all we have for now.

Until next time!

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Bit a' This, Bit a' That

Greetings one and all!

This week was a bit busy, but sadly light on movie progress. The interview didn't come out last week, but apparently this week sometime. We'll see.

The camera lens has finally been fixed, though I have yet to put it through the paces to make sure everything is running smoothly. Sunday, on top of training, we also captured some Foley for the short.

 Some reading and the interview process spurred another edit of the short, making it a tad tighter, and more engaging from the beginning. The down side of this inspiration is that I can now think of at least two other ways to do this, when I need to be focused on finishing the one. Ah well...
On the more paperwork intensive territory, we are also setting up print on demand accounts for the delivery of feature length projects.

Well, that's about all for this week. Until next time!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Sudden Switch

Well, that was a tad surprising. Whilst posting last week's blog, we received an email from one of the largest papers in the area, asking for an interview. Apparently placing 8th in an international competition is somewhat newsworthy. The interview was set for Tuesday, and despite initial nerves, it was a rather relaxed conversation. If all goes as expected, the end result should be out Thursday.
Sadly, I discovered some minor damage to part of my camera's lens this week, and will need to fix it before we can finish the promo short. Fortunately, despite the difficulty getting to the damaged part, the optics appear to be untouched. 

Sunday was a hybrid training and choreo session. I trained our newest member and gave a refresher to one other, while the veteran members created a random fight scene. Oh! And we also may have arrived upon the name for our sci-fi universe, though the revelation will be made upon the release of the promo short.

Well, that's about all for this week. Until next time!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

After Action Report

So, the LCC has come and gone, and we ranked 8th out of the 28 entries. Not bad for being one of the unknowns in the contest.
Sunday we looped back to the beginning and gave the Combat 101 lecture to the newest members, along with an exercise we've dubbed the Twisted Ninja. I'll just leave that one to your imagination...

With music attached to the edit, and all but a couple shots finished, we're working on how to execute the remaining shots practically, (so as to prevent ridiculous post production times,) for the greatest effect. The edit itself has undergone a few revisions, refinements to get the flow just so.

Well, that's about all for this week. Until next time!

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The Longest Day

Okay, so maybe not overly long, by most film standards, as it was a shade over twelve hours, but shooting in three different locations with a radically different supporting cast each time was an adventure all its own.
First off, we used a different section of the quarry as the location of the confrontation between our hero in training and a band of pirates.


 Next up, a scene involving short tribesmen. Though what that's about... you'll have to wait and see.

Finally, after the sun set, we returned to the alley where we filmed the first scene of "Othersight" to capture a slightly less heroic moment in the heroes journey...

That leaves us with just three shots and a title sequence remaining for the short. In other news, the LCC entries are now live, and ours, titled "Spite," can be found here:

Well, that's about all for this week. Until next time!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Chaos Cometh

In less than 48 hours from the time of this writing, we will be on our way to what may be one of our craziest shoots ever. Three scenes, in three wildly different locations, totally different supporting cast, all in one day. Since that's the case, all our energies this week have been focused in that direction. I will be leaving later today to do the final scout, ensuring the locations are open.
Sunday we brought the rest of the cast up to speed, and taught the new team members some of the finer points of weapons handling.

Other than that, there's not much to report. Just preparing for the shoot... oh! That reminds me, I need to make sure "The Flamethrower" is working...

Until next time, fare thee well

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Final Steps

After the blog went up last week I had a chance to talk with Max, a fellow filmmaker and former LCC winner, who put me on the right path to find a decent way to compress the entry so we wouldn't require a ridiculous amount of bandwidth. As of September 13th, the entry has been accepted for the competition. Last I checked, the entries are allowed to go public about noon on the 28th, after all the entries have been received, and the judging will be that Saturday. Exact time still to be announced.
With the entry being processed early, we have at last been able to turn our attention toward the last scenes for the promo short. Storyboarding and scene breakdowns were completed, followed by costume tests:

 As we are planning a long and complicated shoot day, this was followed by a scheduling and logistics meeting, where we blocked in the various phases of the shoot day, running from early morning to 9-something at night. (Not to worry, not all of you actors and extras will have to experience all that. The crew, on the other hand...) With the current elevated fire danger some locations may not be available, so we're definitely praying for rain between now and then. A strange thing to do here in Oregon.

This looks like it could be our largest shoot yet, so here's to the adventure. We'll have one more update between now and then, so until then!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Entry Rendered

Woo hoo! As you probably figured out from the title, the LCC entry has been rendered out and, barring a tweak here or there, is ready for upload. Now, the less good news. Now that our first true HD project has been rendered out, we can see that the three minute entry comes to 17.3GB in size. The problem is this: High speed internet isn't much of a thing around here, and on our connection, it would take about a week to upload. Yes, a week of total bandwidth domination. Needless to say our team members are looking into better options. Nathan may have one, though it may be a bit of a drive to get to the location. Seems the "best quality" requirements for the entry are proving somewhat prohibitive.
On top of all that, Sunday, the team met once again, teaching our newest member the fundamentals of the sword, before going on to plot a montage sequence for the short more in keeping with the tone of the promo project.

"See, the broad blade is better against unarmored foes..."

I am much more excited about the new direction, as I think it captures the spirit of the world, and what we try to do, so much better.
Tomorrow we will be out on a location scout for the *spoiler* pirate camp.*end spoiler* Jesse brought some pictures to the meet several weeks ago, and we've been looking forward to seeing it for ourselves.

So, that's about all for this week. Until next time

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

The Story Thus Far...

It occurred to me that it's been a while since we've had a discussion on the state of Brightsword Productions and the projects on our platter. For that, we'll need to cover a bit of history. As some of you may know, Gatewalkers was not our first long form project. Nor was it intended to be our first public offering. There was a speculative fiction thriller called "Othersight." Being our first project, I'll readily admit I walked into it a bit naive, and quite optimistic. This had the happy effect of allowing us to do things that shouldn't have been possible, if we'd known any better. On the down side, it can come back to bite you years later. Being an introvert by nature, and having no experience with leading people at the time, I let some things slide that should have been addressed immediately. As I'm sure you know, people tend to take liberties when working with "nice" people, and that was just the beginning of the spiral.

The intended release for Othersight was delayed for reasons beyond our direct control, at least at the time, but I knew we couldn't just sit back and wait. The filmmaker's best friend is inertia, and if you aren't in the middle of at least three projects, you're pretty much considered a hobbyist. If someone asks you "what else do you have?" you're required to have an answer, or you've just torpedoed your career. Since the mythic rules of filmmaking frown upon gaps, we moved into the strange and wonderful world of the webseries, and Gatewalkers was born. But something happened during the pre-production, something that can be crippling for a profession that relies so heavily on people. A series of betrayals of trust had made me leery of relying on others, if I may speak the sad truth plainly, especially in the church.

Thankfully, I had proven friends behind me, and the new friends that came along the way allowed us to do marvelous things together, but I believe my own baggage and private fears were responsible for the project not reaching as far as I'd planned. With first class burnout from trying to make sure all the pieces came together on schedule and were released on time, and no money for Season 2, Gatewalkers died at season's end. Needless to say, this felt very unsatisfying for cast and crew alike, and Chaos on the Fringe was born as a way to close out that era of our lives. For this reason, and the fact that it is a short, it takes back seat to any endeavor aimed at actually making some money. It will be released, but it's not at the top of the priority list.

This brings us full circle, Othersight is still unreleased, and with every passing year, every passing project, my skills and understanding improve to the point where I see every single flaw in the project, every error in judgment, and it's painful. I promised to see it through, I promised to release it to the public, but I struggled, because I had learned so much, and I realized how many foolish assumptions I'd put into the work. But in all this, God was working.

This last winter saw me at an all time low in life, a black knot of doubt and frustration. Yet through all that, I learned so many things. Through the process of making impossible movies, I learned leadership. From the betrayals, I discovered my own fears. From the frustration, I finally learned to let go, and that was the greatest revelation of all. If I truly believe this is my calling, then it is my duty to work as hard as I can, learn as much as I can, to tell the best story possible. But I am not allowed to discredit that work. I may have taken it all on myself, and made foolish mistakes, but in the end, God used it to change me. I have grown more in five years as a filmmaker than the previous ten. Sadly, part of that has been unlearning the habits formed as an employee, but still... Now I wake up every morning and say, "Okay God, it's your project." That brings incredible peace, I may still be working my tail off to see things through, but now, when things go wrong, it's 100% his worry, not mine. Not even a lead backing out thirty minutes before call time rattled it.

Which brings us to the present. Othersight still must be released, but we are now too broke to go with the original plan, so we are seeking out the best download/print on demand services that will allow us to deliver without jumping through too many hoops. I have printed out a copy on standard home DVD's for everyone involved, so, if you're reading this, I hope to be getting those out to you soon.

This new promo we have been shooting is the product of this learning process, this time I'm trying to do it right. I have no idea where this is going. Could be small, could be really big. It may not be what I expect, it may not be what the church expects, may not be what the world expects. But for the first time, that's not my problem. I will reach out and offer the vision, share the call, and leave the rest up to Him.

It seems fitting, with this conversation about the journey to where we are now, that I leave you with these words from another person looking back, and to the future. A future that may be playing on your screens very soon...

 "It is written in our oldest texts that man was created good. If this is so, it did not last. For great evils have come upon all mankind, and no matter how far one runs, evil will find them. For evil does not come from without, but from within.
The price of this has been a history written in blood. Worlds groan under the weight of oppression, their people crying out for deliverance. But in darkness, even the smallest light is a beacon.
Such are the Illani, the last hope of a galaxy in flames. Warriors without peer, they fight to free the peoples of the galaxy from the oppression of dark lords and the chains of dark gods. These are a breed apart, for they carry in their hearts the light of an ancient promise, and on their tongues the words of a sacred oath.
Unstoppable, because they are living proof of an ancient truth.
For 'tis so much to be a Knight, that you must first die to live."--- Excerpt from the Memoirs of Akerra of Ser

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Birth of a Knight

Well, that was entertaining... This last week has been a roller coaster ride through obstacles both typical and totally out of the blue. With the prep work culminating in the Friday shoot, inertia had built up to a point where the show must indeed go on. Suddenly, thirty minutes from call time, Becca texts that something unforeseen had come up and she couldn't make it. The ball was already rolling, and people were on their way, so a quick phone call and crash course later Elizabeth had taken on the role of the Knight, and we had divided into two teams to get the shoot rolling.

Team A went to a local graveyard to set up the opening scene, whilst Team B stayed behind to do the makeup work for the Knight.
After that, we met up again and set out for the second location, a forest trail that would backdrop the fateful meeting.

All told, even with the unexpected recast, we finished on time, with only an average number of issues to fix in the editing suite. Another shoot has been slated for Friday night, but with the impending rain, it remains to be seen if that will happen.

Well, that's about all for this week. Until next time

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Fire and Blood

Okay, over the top title notwithstanding, this week had some notable milestones. With the blades finished...

We turned to preparing for the next couple shoots, from blocking out scenes, to costuming the actors.

One of our crew members has been working on perfecting her injury makeup, so we're definitely looking forward to seeing that in action. All in all, it's looking like a wild week. See ya on the other side!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Just 'Round the Corner

Greetings one and all! It is with a good deal of joy and relief that I announce that the lightsaber blade animations for the LCC are almost completed! The blades proper have been finished, but we still need to mask out where they pass behind the other combatant (which is quite frequently in this section,) animate the clashes, burns, and the occasional Force blast. After that it's all sound and music.
We finally cast our lead characters for the promo short, Becca playing the Knight, and Sidney here playing Callie. (Below, the beginnings of a costuming session.)
Props have begun to arrive, and are being experimented on to give them the "Chaosverse" look. (Title not final, obviously.) The tentative schedule has been set, with the principal shoot taking place Friday of next week.

Well, that's about all for now. Until next time!

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

We're BACK!

After a month of plodding, we've finally got something on the docket to shake things up a bit. On top of the usual animation work, this last week we tried several people out for parts in an upcoming promo short. We'll be reviewing the footage later today, and hopefully have our final decision by the end of the week, but I can say right now that I was pleasantly surprised by some of the performances.

Much like "Chaos," this will shortly be followed by a whirlwind pre-production phase and a blitz shoot schedule. Highlighting one of the strange joys of a filmmaker in the digital era, we are having one of the key props 3D printed. If all goes well, it should arrive on or around the 10th.

Well, that's about all for now. Until next time!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Raiders of the Lost Arc

 Bad puns aside, that was one of the highlights of the otherwise tedious effects work, finding the blade when the actor is moving so fast that even the staff is almost invisible. Fortunately there was an upside to that challenge. If you the animator have to guess where things will be based on blurry hand positions, the audience will also likely have just about as much a clue as you.
Also among the highlights of the week, we start readings this Sunday for a short promo project. Like the other shorts before, the goal is to give people a dramatic introduction to the world of the next project, and the concepts behind it. More details will follow when we also have pictures to go with them.

That's about all for now. Until next time!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Three Blades, One Minute

That, ladies and gentlemen, is all that remains of the lightsaber animations for the LCC. I suppose that actually means three minutes of animation, but y'all get the gist. There are a few other things that will need to be finished when all of this is done, such as the sabers cutting into the ground, victims, and the odd particle effect or two, but I am still very happy to have reached this milestone.

For an insanely busy week I feel like there should be more news, but that's about all for now. Until next time!

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

No Shiny

That's right, sadly we have no pictures from the current phase of the work, mostly because I'm currently neck deep in it and a couple other things. Currently we're 40% of the way into blade 3 of 4 in the group fight sequence, with number four taking up much less screen time. With that in mind we're probably in the last quarter of the first section.
To get "Chaos" off the ground again after the lull, we're looking at a slightly unorthodox method for creating the backgrounds and environments, but one which will keep within the spirit and tone of the piece. Pictures will be forthcoming as soon as we have a sampling.

Well, that's about all for this week. Until next time!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

On the Color Red

 Okay, maybe not so much ON the color, but the color has certainly been occupying much of my working time. With the Jedi Sabers completed in a timely manner, the Sith get all my attention. Ah, the joys of finding the great disappearing blade, especially when both the stuntie and camera are moving fast enough to make the entire arm disappear. Still, we are progressing, with 3/5ths of the first minion blade animation being completed these last two days.
Before I dove into the more complicated parts of the work, however, I animated the last shot of the entry, to figure out what, exactly, I was doing.
Turns out red blades against a blue sky make for some interesting color challenges.

Anyway, that's about all for now. Until next time!

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Hammering It Out

 Greetings, one and all! We have now begun the period of relative quiet. By which I mean running around frantically, but with less people in tow. A good friend is getting married in a week and a half, and I'll be in the ceremony, so that'll be taking up a wee bit 'o my attention. Even though the LCC edit was "locked" last week, there were still several things I wasn't quite happy with, so five iterations later we're a tad bit closer. A few seconds of saber animation have been completed, but since I didn't want to start work on any of the parts that are in flux, as that would be a waste of hours of work, that's as far as we could go this week.
The last few weeks I was working on a new script idea, but fifty pages in I realized it wasn't in keeping with the spirit of what I was trying to accomplish and scrapped it. Now I'm a mere seven pages into the newest idea, and it looks to be more in keeping with the flavor of what we do. (*editor's note: Yay!)

Well, that's about all for this week. Until next time!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Jedi Assemble

 Thursday saw the final shoot for our LCC entry, and it was pleasantly surprising for us. Ten people showed to fill the roles, half of which we'd never worked with before. Our combined resources allowed for a wide range of looks for them, including a certain popular alien...

 Tuesday we recorded the grunts of combat and the death cries for most of the Sith stunties, then discussed the layout of future projects. Two effects shots have been completed for the entry, plus another thirty pages in the newest script, so all in all a productive week.

Well, that's about all for now. Until next time!

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Phase 1: Completion Impending

So here we are, a mere day until the final shoot for our first LCC entry. Last week we ran the shoot for 6 hours, our test run allowing us to pull it off, even with wardrobe resets, minor injuries, and the considerable heat.

 Sunday we costumed our Jedi, arranging for their part of the event. Tomorrow we go up to the quarry once again for the final shots of the scene. If all goes well we'll return with a few less sunburns.

That's about all for this week. Until next time!