Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Jedi Assemble

 Thursday saw the final shoot for our LCC entry, and it was pleasantly surprising for us. Ten people showed to fill the roles, half of which we'd never worked with before. Our combined resources allowed for a wide range of looks for them, including a certain popular alien...

 Tuesday we recorded the grunts of combat and the death cries for most of the Sith stunties, then discussed the layout of future projects. Two effects shots have been completed for the entry, plus another thirty pages in the newest script, so all in all a productive week.

Well, that's about all for now. Until next time!

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Phase 1: Completion Impending

So here we are, a mere day until the final shoot for our first LCC entry. Last week we ran the shoot for 6 hours, our test run allowing us to pull it off, even with wardrobe resets, minor injuries, and the considerable heat.

 Sunday we costumed our Jedi, arranging for their part of the event. Tomorrow we go up to the quarry once again for the final shots of the scene. If all goes well we'll return with a few less sunburns.

That's about all for this week. Until next time!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

The Eve of Battle

Tomorrow we set out to film the LCC duel, for real this time. The test shoot allowed us to see what we were doing right, and what needed to be fixed. This time we'll be in full costume and makeup, a teaser of which can be seen below.
This week has been all prep. A final refresher session, followed by nailing down the last costuming elements.

We'll keep it brief this time, since we'll likely be inundated with photos next week. Until then!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015


 Greetings one and all! This week has been unique and full of both chaos and promise, but sadly we don't have any pics to prove it.
Suffice it to say that we spent the Sunday meeting working on costuming and makeup for our fighters, retrofitting old and new armor pieces for our purposes. One of the things being a filmmaker does is it causes a certain ordinarily oblivious guy to be much more attuned to things like makeup and hair, at least on the creative side.
Also of note this week is that I'm writing again. Yes, after a couple years of wading through purely production. I'm finally going out and flexing the creative muscles again. Whether or not this becomes a new project remains to be see.

Well, that's about all for this week. Until next time!