Wednesday, January 6, 2016

New Year, New News

 Greetings one and all! Ah... it's good to be back. During the loosely termed "vacation," we had the opportunity to meet with the members of Rogue Zohu Productions, a group of young independent filmmakers from Washington. The conversation covered everything from our filmmaking histories, to the potential for working together in the future. Needless to say, there will be a few hurdles that must be crossed before we can get to that point, but something to look forward to. If any of you guys are reading this, it was good to meet you all.

After a few course adjustments, the "Trooper's Tale" now has a completed first draft, and there are a couple other ideas floating around in my head. All that remains is for one to solidify enough that I can start putting it down in black and white.

Also, we are making yet another adjustment, and rendering out versions of both the Gatewalkers feature edit and Othersight to be sold in the digital download format.

Well, that's about all for this week. Until next time

1 comment:

  1. We enjoyed meeting y'all as well. To future endeavors! ~ Rachel @ Rogue Zohu Productions
