Greetings, one and all! Well, we survived. After last week’s
update, “unusually high temperatures” got redefined, as we wound up shooting
long days in triple digit temperatures. In June. Yeah… that was fun. We also set new
shoot day length records, which is also not recommended. That said, we managed
to sew up a lot of things, and hopefully by Friday we will have filmed almost a
third of the scenes in the movie. Granted, some of them are also the shortest
in the movie, but still…
Since we have basically one space for all indoor sets, we’ve been scrambling to
finish all the scenes in the current base set type, before moving on to the
next one. So, lots of crypts, dungeons, and catacombs…
The shoots have been long, the weather punishing, but the cast and crew have all been troopers, keeping up spirits even when things get miserable. That said, we’re certainly looking forward to the cooler temperatures over the next few days.
Well, that’s about all for this week. Until next time!