Greetings, one and all! So… After last blog, I
promptly got sick, which I found highly bizarre, given how little contact I had
with people at the time, but it is what it is. Anyway, thankfully an arrow animation
had been farmed out to my brother, so something got done in the early stages of
the week. After my head cleared enough, I managed to cut the pieces for and
assemble a miniature dock, which I’m now in the process of weathering.
On top of that, I also managed to get in some small adjustments to color correction for a few scenes, as well as some timing edits.
Last but not least, the team met again, and further developed their understanding of close-quarters room clearing. Though it was not without its challenges…
By the end they managed to pull off most of their missions without forty percent plus casualties.
Well, that’s about all for this week. Until next time!