Greetings, one and all! So it begins… This week I
started pitching us and what we do to various organizations, with a wide spread
of reactions. Now I’ll give them another week or so before following up, and
seeing what further action needs to be taken. The delay is both for the wheels
of bureaucracy to start moving, and due to the fact that pitching/sales brain
is very different from the frame of mind I need to be in for literally every
other part of my job, so I need to give myself time to be productive first.
The next props were also finally completed, allowing us to start in on shooting
small vignettes from the universe.
Lastly, the team met again, and, in order to dodge the first heavy rains of the season, ran a somewhat more complex storming exercise…
Using some of the lighter sheeting in the shop, the team changed the building layout by blocking off different doors and hallways for each iteration. It did a lot for the exercise, and a good time was had by all.
Well, that’s about all for this week. Until next time!