Friday, June 22, 2012

Gatewalkers Teaser Release

Ladies and gentlemen, elves and goblins... it is with great pleasure that I announce the release of the Gatewalkers teaser trailer. I say "teaser," but at four and a half minutes it's more of a mini-episode. In it we offer a hint of what we are trying to accomplish; build an amazingly expansive, richly detailed world, populated by races and characters with their own unique histories and motivations.

Higher quality video can be found here: Gatewalkers Teaser

If you like what you see here, then pass it on. What's more, ask your friends and family to pass it on. This can only be made if we find enough support and gather a large enough audience. (More details on that will be forthcoming.) For now, watch, enjoy, and pass it on. Thanks!

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