So, this has been a productive week. I opened up with finishing a wedding video, then we moved on to finalizing
the Othersight sound effects and music, which was a bit of a technical
seesaw experience. We also dramatically tightened up the edit for a few
scenes and figured out what music to use for the credits sequence (Which
has, quite hilariously, been one of the most continuously re-rendered
effects sequences in the project. People getting married will do that.)
I am neck deep in puzzling out the complexities of custom DVD menus.
When the program started confusing "buttons" and "backgrounds" I knew it
was time to give it a rest.
In other news, the
choreography session has focused on expanding the one on one section of
the fight, working to ramp up the aggression as well. (Though, as one of
the other stunties said, "It's hard when they're two of the nicest
people on the team.")
Apparently, we also introduced a new sport to the world. The Mattress Toss. It remains to be seen if it will catch on.
Well, that's about all for this week. Until next time!