Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Breaching Teams and Second Drafts

Greetings, one and all! This week, with brainpower returning, I had to come to grips once again with the script, and its second draft. At this point, you look for any inconsistencies, and ask the most important question: Is this even any good? The answer is usually “Well, pieces, anyway.” At which point you must strengthen what works, and excise or rewrite what doesn’t. Since I’m not a fan of my own finale, this is a particularly entertaining and challenging exercise. The characters being sensible makes it an anticlimax, the characters being emotional would lead to a whole movie worth of “getting back to the main plot” because they just got thrown into maximum security prison. So, in this case, the rewrite begins to feel like very delicate surgery.

On top of that, the stunt team met this week, and we continued the ancient tradition of it only raining on the day of stunt meet. So we met that ancient tradition with one of our own: Storming.

This one was shaken up with the team members rotating through as the opposition, with each pairing getting three chances to throw something unexpected at their teammates. It was very fun, and randomizing the time they had to prepare lent a certain urgency to the whole thing. Much was learned, and a good time had by all.

Well, that’s about all for this week. Until next time!

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