Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Fall Filming

 Well, Fall has officially come to the Pacific Northwest. Unfortunately our shoot has dragged on longer than hoped, so this has the aggregate result of a bunch of people shivering in summer costumes in 40 and 50 degree weather. That said, in spite of the challenges, we did finish the equivalent of four scenes in one day.

 The color correction through Episode 3 has almost been completed, along with the effects work. Next up, sound design. Special thanks to Daniel Chase for his help in that avenue.
Sunday we had a meeting to discuss set design for Season 2, as well as a rough overview of the fight scenes for that season. Things really ramp up that season, with three times the number of scenes that will need choreography.
That's about all for this week. Until next time!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Family Reunion

This week finds us half way through the edit on episode 3, and with another shoot under our belts, which has given this blog its name. In this scene, Savara and Aurbren meet again after a long absence.

 We have another shoot slated for tomorrow, this time with Elijah and Silas, so this promises to be a productive week. There is some more news, but unfortunately that would give away key plot points too soon.
So, that's about all for now, until next time!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Intercuts, or Dieing... Again.

Intercuts, or Dieing... Again.
This week had two events of note, one was shooting the intercuts (aka. "B-roll") of a scene that was shot almost exactly three months ago. Tricky, but satisfying.

 The second was the cast party/reunion on Saturday. One of the requirements was that everyone had to bring their old movies, which were remarkably good in their own unique ways. As the big finale for the night, we ran an improv game where everyone took on the roles of characters within a sci-fi story, either trying to solve a mystery or tie up the loose ends. It ended, after almost three hours of hilarity, with a climactic showdown in an astroid-base security vault.

 Special mention goes to Paris and Sam, who played the annoying ship's AI and the galaxy's worst ranger, respectively; as well as Nathan, (with "Veechie" and his endless cousins) and "The Gang." Ladies and gents, your performances were quotable.
That's about all for this week. Until next time!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Step 2

  With the edit and CC done on episode one (save for the "hook" scene,) we're moving on to episode 2. I must say that it's really quite gratifying to see this all come together. Maybe I'm just easily amused, but I took great pleasure in the fact that within the first minute and a half of this episode there are two shots that were re-purposed for the scene by playing them in reverse. So there's a game for you: When episode 2 comes out, find the two shots that were reversed. Happy hunting!
The weather is once again proving uncooperative, but that has allowed us to get a lot done in post-production.
Well, that's about all for this week. Until next time!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Click... Click...

 Yeah, that's pretty much been my week. With record rainfall for September shooting hasn't been easy this week, (though there was that one day...) the current order of business has been effects and color correction for Episode 1.

...and after.

On top of that, and the goblin skin correction, which was finished this week, we've also been working on the Fae effect. An early phase of the animation (pre-color and detail,) can be seen here:

Well, that about sums up the week. The forecast looks promising for early next week, so if we're very fortunate, we'll have more shoots to report on. Until then!