Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to one and all!

Only a couple points this week. First, I'm working on rewriting the second half of what I've dubbed the "Trooper's Tale," in reference to the Canterbury Tales. I like the new direction better, as it has more personal weight for the characters.
Second, I finally bit the bullet and made a pretty big step, one I probably should've made months ago. While I can't provide any details yet, time will tell what may come of it.
We'll be taking a break from the blog next week, so I suppose now is a good time to wish you all a Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Do You Wanna Play a Game?

This week has petty much been a repeat of the last several, with one giant exception. Sunday the team got together to try out a different form of story game, this time in full costume.


As usual, hilarity ensued, but what was different is we tried out some story driven combat, which worked remarkably well, as the conflicts escalated to the point where almost everybody at the party was "on stage." This experience has opened up new ideas that we may pursue, but that's pretty much all for now. Until next time!

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Once More...

So, once more we find ourselves on the brink of the Christmas hiatus, and thus also the Christmas break party and game. As per tradition, a new set of teammates will be flung into a world and expected to survive and, if they're very lucky, actually achieve their goal.
On the movie front, we drilled the team again this week...
After that, we experimented with various costumes for the above mentioned game. However, it does give me some character ideas...
We're still trying to find our footing on the next project. After work on the new scripts, we turned to working on some that had been started this last spring. Still no word on which way we'll go yet.

Well, that's about all for this week. Until next time!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Two Week Recap

Hello everyone! I hope y'all had a good Thanksgiving.
Well, it's back to the grind for us. I actually acquired a modicum of sense and commissioned someone with more Photoshop experience than I to work on the Othersight DVD cover. These past two Sundays, we taught the team more kicks, plus sword and shield, and more longsword.

I am somewhere around the fifth or seventh iteration of the first fourty-some pages of the new script, I'm kinda losing track. Constantly revising the tone and focus to get something that works with our strengths and the things we've learned these past few years... but mostly to keep the pace from dragging. Looking forward to seeing what it feels like when it's finished.

Well, that's about all for this week. Until next time!