Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving!

As we move into the holiday weekend, those of us here at Brightsword Productions want to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving! May you be safe in your travels, and have an amazing time with friends and family.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

The Week of Month

Yeah... that's probably the best way to describe it. This week has been very long and kinda frantic, yet somehow the whole thing can be boiled down into one post.

Last week the promo short went up, and immediately I became aware of something. I hated the title. Far too vague, and lacking something in personal identity, I suppose it will serve for now, as "our currently unnamed sci-fi project" just doesn't really roll off the tongue. 
Secondly, I was also made aware of the fact that many people thought it was a trailer for a project already in production, instead of what it is, a promo short to introduce people to a project we hope to make. Hopefully a few adjustments to the setup on YouTube will resolve that.

I'm also currently on the third attempt at starting the script over from scratch, the others suffering from tone and pacing issues.
Sunday the team met again, and this time we did the promo release recap, which helped underscore the issues that needed to be resolved. Following that, we did a session of longsword vs. spear.

Well, I thinks that gives a hyper-short summation of the week past. Here's looking forward to a future with a better effort to productivity ratio. Until next time!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Ladies and gentlemen, it is with great pleasure that I give to you our latest promo short!

 This project officially introduces our sci-fi universe to the world, with the hope and intent to gather enough support to film a series of stories within it.

Yes, today's update is brief, as everything was building up to this. Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Strike Like Lightning

This week we have been sewing up loose ends on the promo, a few edits, some effects tweaks, and the title card. That last point took up most of our time, since it's a fairly intensive animated sequence, featuring the logo coming up in a storm with rain, lightning, the works.
Sunday we taught the new members the first steps of punching and kicking properly. Apparently most of our work this week involved strikes of some kind. 

Well, that's about all for this week. Until next time!