Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Draft 1 Completed

As the title states, the first draft of the new project was completed this week. We looked over the general format Sunday, and read a few scenes. The first review/ analysis has come back, revisions and expansions have begun, and the team is looking forward to this new challenge.
Also, being Sunday, the stunt team ran through choreography drills, giving some members a definite workout.

So this week we will dive into the revision, clarifying the hazy bits, trimming the redundancies, and further developing the characters.

Well, that's about all for this week. Until next time!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Version 3d

Yep... so, as the above title suggests, I've been doing a little bit of writing, each major alteration getting a new letter, each tectonic shift, a new number. As of Friday, I realized that the story I'd been working with for almost a week and a half was messy and unfocused, so back to the beginning I went, and now the thing has some semblance of structure. Well, as much as first drafts can.
Once again, the stunt team met. With the torrential rain we've been having of late, our only option was to cram all of us into the shop, where we taught the newest members the fine theatrical art of taking a hit.

I can't speak for anyone else, but personally I was feeling it the next day. We also discussed plotting for the story, and plans for distributing the burdens of major shoots.

Well, that's about all for this week. Until next time!

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Scribe of the Nine Isles

Hello again! This week has been largely comprised of one thing: Writing. After the ideas settled out, one in particular rose to the top. For our last cast party, we had created a fantasy world for the characters to explore. While the game itself tended toward surrealist comedy, the overarching idea and plotline work well for serialized storytelling. So, for now, I am developing the story of a brother and sister who have been sent to the fantasy equivalent of Australia in search of a mysterious artifact to repay their family's debt. Meanwhile, an army masses in the north, ready to make its final assault on the free kingdoms of the world...
In other news, the stunt team is back from hiatus, and they're getting back into form after a month of vacation.

It's heartening to see them teaching and refreshing each other, whilst I try some new methods of my own.

Anyway, that's about all for this week. Until next time!

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

New Year, New News

 Greetings one and all! Ah... it's good to be back. During the loosely termed "vacation," we had the opportunity to meet with the members of Rogue Zohu Productions, a group of young independent filmmakers from Washington. The conversation covered everything from our filmmaking histories, to the potential for working together in the future. Needless to say, there will be a few hurdles that must be crossed before we can get to that point, but something to look forward to. If any of you guys are reading this, it was good to meet you all.

After a few course adjustments, the "Trooper's Tale" now has a completed first draft, and there are a couple other ideas floating around in my head. All that remains is for one to solidify enough that I can start putting it down in black and white.

Also, we are making yet another adjustment, and rendering out versions of both the Gatewalkers feature edit and Othersight to be sold in the digital download format.

Well, that's about all for this week. Until next time