Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Prologue Day!

Greetings, one and all! Well, this last week culminated in the long-awaited prologue shoot. Unfortunately, our primary location had been closed down, so we had to resort to  Plan B. Fortunately, Plan B is much closer, which allowed us to wrap both the shoot and the recording session by noon.

All in all, we are quite happy with how that went.
Sunday saw the team meet again, and the return of a first generation stuntie with a martial arts background allowed us to divide up the new members into smaller groups, and cover unarmed combat far more quickly that would've otherwise been possible.

Now we're officially fully into post-production. That begins by washing costumes, packing them, and organizing the office so we have enough room to begin the process of model making...

Well, that's about all for this week. Until next time!

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Prologue Prep

Greetings, one an all! As production has ramped toward the shoot this Saturday, we've still been able to take some time for working on the episodes. Episode 3 has been edited, and we're most of the way through sound sync. Because I really wanted to see how a particular shot would work out, I threw together a quick test comp in After Effects. I thought you might like to see the results:

We're also deep into costuming, with several options being pulled from the collection for our actors. Final decisions will be made tomorrow. Our art department is also in the middle of creating tassets for our villain's armor.

Sunday, the team met for a quick recap, followed by a series of educational fights.

It's proving interesting, getting three different waves of new stunties up to speed...
By this time next week, we should have pictures from the final location shoot for you to see.

Well, that's about all for this week. Until next time!

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Scenes, Sundays, and Schedules

Greetings, one and all! This week has had three distinct sections. First off, the process of making fine adjustments to each scene, before sending them into color correction, has continued. There is one longer scene that has proved challenging to correct, due to the wide variety of lighting situations, but we press on. (The fact that the program keeps crashing probably doesn't help, either.)
Sunday, the crew met for a sort of thank-you session to everyone who worked behind the scenes to make Stormborn possible. As is our tradition, we played an epic story game, in which sisters travel to the north in a quest to restore their family's fortune.
First quest.

"Gaah! Shoot it! Shoot it!"

"Wait, I ACTUALLY have to fight him?"

Differing goals.

Stab the rat!


"Roll me closer."

Everyone left smiling, (with their characters insanely rich,) so I'd say it was a success.

We have finally set the date for our prologue shoot, and are now communicating with our actors on such things as times and costuming. If all goes as planned, the 27th will see us on location for Season 1 once again.

Well, that's about all for this week. Until next time!

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Effects and Color

Greetings, one and all! This week involved a lot of finessing the prologue script, followed by commencing the official color correction and effects work on our first two episodes. Among the highlights, learning from a YouTube debunking video how to make a more realistic blaster shot.
Sunday, there was a brief behind the scenes recording session by our social media manager, who wanted material covering how we made some of the armor.
After that, the team met, and practiced unit spear work.

With the days getting shorter, and the weather colder, priority is shifting toward getting the prologue in the can. To that end, we're working on scheduling the shoot, and preparing the additional prop elements we'll need. If all goes well, we should see the results from that by the end of the month.

Well, that's about all for this week. Until next time!

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Points and POV

Greetings, one and all! This week has seen a few steps forward. First, the prologue script is now in a more or less shoot-ready state. This is fortunate, because we can't actually lock the edit on the first 2-3 episodes without it. Speaking of which, here's a teaser image from the work-in-progress for a POV shot. Colors will be subject to change, of course. You've gotta push it, so you can know when you've passed the best look.
In other news, the team met on Sunday, and we taught them the fine and terrifying art of fighting against the spear. They all made solid progress, repeated stabs to the knee and gut notwithstanding.

Last week, I realized that the stunt team is now the largest it's been in a long time. Possibly ever. Now we just have to decide how to make the best use of that...

Well, that's about all for this week. Until next time!