Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Revelations, Remembering, and Renewed Focus

Greetings, one and all! Unfortunately I started the week out somewhat grumpy. When you’re repeatedly stymied in your attempts to finish the project you shot two years ago, and have technically been working on for seven years, you can feel a bit… done. But then I got a livestream invite from the admin of a homeschooled filmmaker group that I’m a part of. The stream was on writer’s block, but as my mind had started to turn toward what’s next, I thought it could be useful. She opened up with questions about what our block looks like, then talked about the major kinds of writer’s block, but the kind that resonated with me didn’t relate to writing, but to the act of making the movie itself. It was the difference between being process-focused and product-focused.

The gist of it was if you find the process that works for you, and focus on working the process, then you’re less likely to experience burnout than if you focus on the product, the end result, because that’s where you start making choices that steal the joy of the work. I remembered how I’d made myself a promise almost a decade ago along similar lines; that (at least until I start getting paid for this) I would only work with people I like, take my time, and make it beautiful. In short, I promised to make the process better for me. How does this relate to the present? Well, when she asked about our writer’s block, I said mine was I am now aware of the cost of putting every word I write on the screen. Understandably she started talking about the monetary cost, but half way through I realized that the cost that stopped me wasn’t monetary, it was mental and emotional energy. See, when we can’t afford to buy something for the movie, odds are we’ll just make it. On The Nine Isles we made a lot of things, enough to burn out my brother and I, who both love to make things, for almost two years and counting. We can put just about anything we want up on screen, but at what cost? We’d expended a resource a lot more valuable than money, and it wasn’t replenishing. Somewhere in the process I had become product-focused, and it sucked the joy and willpower right out. So now I’m trying to finish the project with zero energy.

I can’t fix the past, but I can certainly change the future. The moment my focus shifted from product to process things changed. I’m excited about my work again. I know what the short we’re shooting this year will be, ideas for themes and characters for one of my script ideas are now flowing freely, and I’m happily doing research on things that would’ve tired me out a week ago. So I’m thankful for that meeting, and I’m thankful that I had the time to participate, because I’m happier and more focused than I’ve been in a long time. Yes, there’s still the hurdles to completing what’s already on my plate, but at least now it feels like a slog through a swamp, not a dead-end. Slow, difficult, but not a hard stop.

Now that I know where we’re going with things, the stunt team focuses in on what’s needed to make it happen. On top of the weapons drills, there are two main aspects that need to be addressed. For the less experienced stunties, that’s selling the hit. For the more experienced ones, it’s making sure to make readable moves with clear lines of action and intent. Basically playing for the camera.

We focused on the first point this week, starting with fists and knees, and working up to bladed weapons.

While it took longer than planned, it was drilled well enough that we’ll be able to move on to the next phase with a solid grasp of the basics.

Well, that’s about all for this week. Until next time!

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

A Sequence of Models and Reiterative Storming

Greetings, one and all! So, let’s see…First, the week opened with a protracted model shoot session. Trying to match scale and angle with the live action plates wasn’t exactly easy, but after multiple iterations we finally got everything just so. Fortunately basic integration is part of seeing if the shots worked, so in the end all that was left was the level of focus for where it was in the shot, and color correction.

Next up, the stunt team met and inducted the surviving newbie into the fine art of storming a building. This time went much better than the previous one, so it looks like everyone's learning.

The session ended with experimentation in using hilariously oversized weapons.

Lastly, between me writing the blog and you reading it, we should hopefully have gotten a solid work day in, building props for the short we plan to shoot this summer.

Well, that’s about all for this week. Until next time! 

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

The Grind Goes On

Greetings, one and all! Real life made this week fairly… fun. To avoid unnecessary complaining, suffice it to say that there are some parts of life that make one wonder “Didn’t we just leave this party?” But anyway, despite that I do have a shiny picture from the work last week.

As this Sunday was Mother’s Day, the stunt teem took it off, so I simply labor in front of a computer. The final model for the last shot has been farmed out to someone who is far better at lettering than I am, and we await its completion while we move into the next steps. We continue to hunt for a composer, being repeatedly reminded how blessed we’ve been thus far. While we understand the need to pay one’s bills, almost twice the cost of every project I’ve ever made combined is a bit steep for our budget. So the saga continues. We have several avenues to pursue, and we’re only on Plan B right now. No need to worry unless we get beyond Plan E.

The funny thing about being a filmmaker is that you can spend a massive amount of time doing film-adjacent work, stuff that doesn’t feel like “filmmaking,” but is nonetheless vital to getting the film out there. Kinda like the recurring refrain from some in law enforcement who question their career choice when they realize how much paperwork they have to do. Anyway, that’s where I am right now. Researching, writing, discussing options with the rest of the team… The less fun stuff of the process.

That said, we are looking to shoot a short later this summer that will allow us to experiment with a few new techniques we haven’t played with before, so there’s something to look forward to, eh?

Well, that’s about all for this week. Until next time!

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Final Stages and The 101

Greetings, one and all! Our week opened with the painting and weathering of the ship model, which took some time to dry for each phase. While that was going on, we dug up some reference material for the tavern sign, and made some reference material for a prop and an animation.

After that, we turned to researching composers, and developing our short list of who to reach out to.

On Sunday the team met yet again, and this time gave our new member the 101 on both choreography and sparring…

Now we turn to writing proposals, pitches, and copy for new web pages. Oh, the varied fun of being an indie filmmaker. Oh, and I guess I should get on making a trailer, too…

Well that’s about all for this week. Until next time!

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Visions and the Sea

Greetings, one and all! After finishing up the Nightside street chatter, we turned to crafting and editing a vision/flashback sequence. Effectively having to reconstruct old shots into something new, pulling out audio from other places, the works. After all that, we retimed the edit of the scene it integrates with, and worked on making the transitions work through a combination of visual and audio cues. That bit is still a work in progress.

Next up, the hull of the ship has finally been completed, so now we’re down to detailing, painting, and weathering.

Lastly, the team met on Sunday and worked through a few shortsword plays, followed by a classic exercise.

With summer just around the corner, we’re working to bring our new and less experienced stunties up to spec for an upcoming short shoot. So this means focusing in on the most vital skill sets for your average fight scene, and holding off on the more obscure elements until later.

Well that’s about all for this week. Until next time!