Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Gig 1 Shoot Day

By the time you see this, we are probably on location for the first gig in our fundraising endeavors. As this stands to be a long day, we'll be giving you the update on how it went this time next week. So stay tuned.

Until then!

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Course of Preparation

Greetings one and all!
This week was a mix of things, including our standard Sunday training sessions. However, the biggest thing this week was locking down the shoot day, and preparing the location.

After arranging some logistics, we settled on a shoot day with our client, and went to location to see what needed to be done to prepare it for the day. About half of it was finished, and a list was made for what else needed to be done before the day.
Several other boring but very necessary bits of paperwork were also resolved, so that's another spot of good news.

Well, that's about all for this week. Until next time!

Wednesday, February 8, 2017


Our gig with a local school district has been confirmed, and so the team turns toward dealing with the unique challenges of this event. Meetings Friday and Wednesday (today) lock in the logistics, as picking a gig up a third of the way into production is a challenge unique to this event.

Sunday, the team heard the news, and then rotated back out to focus on teaching.

All in all, it went fairly well, and I think some are looking forward with great anticipation to being "in charge"...
Meanwhile, I'm over in my corner plotting story and conflicts. We'll see how that works out. ;-)

Well, that's about all for this week. Until next time!

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

It's Here!

Okay, so for the five of you who haven't seen it yet, our latest short, RIFT, is now up on YouTube. Enjoy!

Watch "Rift" here.

In other news, the team further developed their teaching skills, as well as refreshing on the ol' sword and shield.

Meanwhile, I've been doing some more script writing. A project that's quite a bit different from what I've been doing thus far.

Also, at the time this goes up, I should be on a call with the provider of the first potential gig on our way to funding. So here's to that going well, eh? :-)

Well, that's about all for this week. Until next time!