Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Stormborn: Day 1

Greetings, one and all! Pre-production has finally ended, and the shoot has begun! The week saw sixteen- and seventeen-hour days, as we prepared for our first day of shooting. Sunday saw a smattering of various tasks, (from set construction to costume distressing,) some costuming, and choreography practice.
We dedicated four hours on Monday to the creation of a shot list, and getting our Director, 2nd AD, and Script Supervisor on the same page.
The set was completed Monday night, with detailing, and a wash of charcoal-water (in lieu of the more popular diluted paint,) to distress it, and eliminate the shiny newness of the paint job.

Tuesday, we had our first shoot, obviously centering around the starship set. We covered scenes from the beginning and middle of the script, in two distinct blocks, dubbed "Hunter" and "R n' R", respectively.

After some initial chaos, the shoot went quite well, and we actually finished ahead of schedule, allowing us to practice and prepare for our next shoot. But, more about that next week.

Well, that's about all for this week. Until next time!

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Final Preparation

Greetings, one and all! While we had no formal meet this week, thanks to Father's Day, we were nonetheless awash in production work. After preparing the ship set for panel attachment, we cut and affixed the hardboard to the main part of the cockpit. There are still several steps to go, before we can shoot there, but it's nice to see this progress.

Some key armor pieces are being prepped, but take a back seat to the things we will need when we start shooting next week. That's right, ladies and gentlemen, after all this work and wait, the time has come. By this time next week, we hope to have the first photos from set up for your perusal.
To that end, everything from sidearms to a high-tech vambrace are being assembled and painted. Also, we went on a grand location scout Saturday, and came up with options for our first shooting locations. Very soon, we will be ready to start this journey into a larger galaxy...

Thank you to everyone who has helped and supported us thus far. While our production budget is still in the triple digits, it is through your help and generosity that we are making this a reality. So, again, thank you.

Well, that's about all for this week. See you on set!

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Growing Ranks

Greetings, one and all! This week can only be described as an explosion, and in a good way. Many new props have been created, some armor has been completed, and costuming has officially begun.
We have also received a fair amount of scrap hardboard, which will be used for the ship set.
On top of that, we've had more readings, and new members have also joined the team. Sunday was a combination of production work, and bringing people up to speed. 

Tuesday saw a larger costuming session where we laid out plans for five different characters. Here are a couple for your viewing pleasure.

Well, that's about all for this week. Until next time!

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Framing the Finale

Greetings, one and all! This week definitely had the full compliment of events. Thursday, we did a thrift store run, picking up random costuming elements. Friday, we went to the location of the finale, and plotted out the scene.

Sunday, the team continued work on the many tasks required to make this project a reality. From set construction to props fabrication, it was a full day.

Monday saw the slow process of assembling our first EVA foam helmet, using Barge contact cement. Noxious stuff, but oh so effective. We plan to fill in the seams, and hopefully shape the faceplate, today.

Well, that's about all for now. Until next time!