Wednesday, October 25, 2017

A Week From Yesterday

Greetings, one and all! Well, this week has been a scramble. First, we're revamping the website, in preparation for our promotional push. This includes everything from new pages, to new text, and videos.
Second, we finalized some costuming, and worked through the topics of discussion, and character interaction for the 31st event.
Lastly, the webseries script has been completed, and has been sent to our team members, in preparation for the commencement of casting this November.

Well, that's about all for this week. Until next time!

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Many Finals

Hello again! This week saw the completion of many things. First, the dialog draft is being turned in for final review. Secondly, not one, but two videos have reached final edit, with another on the way.
In weekly news, more costuming was touched on this week, and an old teammate dropped in for a visit, so the team skirmished beneath a setting sun...

Given both the script and the 2.5 videos, I am very happy with our progress this week. Here's to maintaining this rate of speed going forward.

Well, that's about all for now. Until next time!

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Costuming Countdown

Greetings, one and all!
This week kicked off with the review process for our series script. The final plot and pacing draft has finally been locked, so now we're moving on to refining the dialog.
Sunday opened with a team refreshing game of Twisted Ninja (think Twister and Ninja, but with swords,) and finished with our first costuming session for the Downtown event.

We locked down about 60-70% of the looks, and will continue in the next couple weeks, adding elements to help sell the scene, and so the props department has kicked into high gear. I, personally, have been working on armor, and touching up the sci-fi weapons in our arsenal.

Well, that's about all for this week. Until next time

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Many First Drafts

Greetings, one and all!
Well, this week was productive. First off, the webseries script has been completed, and its first draft sent off for review. The reviews have since returned, and a second draft has begun.
Secondly, the team met Sunday to work on set dressing for the Downtown event, and also worked on a fight scene, based on one from the aforementioned script.

Lastly, a change in marketing direction has turned what was once material for one video into the core of multiple different ones. Thus, new material is being generated to flesh each one out, in turn. The first draft of the new video was completed this morning, and heavy reworking, in keeping with the new plan, is underway.

Well, that's about all for this week. Until next time!