Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Frost and Filming

 It's with great joy that I announce that we've officially wrapped Season 1 shooting for another two of our leads, and one of our supporting actors. We have two more supporting characters and a historical flashback to go.
Thursday we filmed Mike's final scene, which had Elijah in a t-shirt while the temperature was in the lower 40's, and falling fast. Needless to say, we didn't do very many takes. Saturday we wrapped Iallafan and Aurbren, which was a much longer shoot, but at least it was in the upper 40's that day.

 Monday and Tuesday we ran recording sessions for various creature and environment noises, including creepy laughter, and an ethereal hum...
That's about it for this week. Until next time!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The Sound of Success

 So as we come to a new blog update we also approach an important tipping point in the process: The completion of the first three episodes! Today and tomorrow should see the last steps of the process reach completion. Friday we recorded dialog for the places where environmental noises overtook the actors voices. A simple raven animation turned into a three day effects marathon, swinging back and forth between what was too little or too much.
Today we will record grunts and groans, cuts and stabs, then apply them to the edit. A bit more challenging then it sounds. Once that is done, it's off to David for the music.
Well, that's about it for now. Until next time!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

First Batch

 Well, this week has been somewhat unexpected. Long story short, what was supposed to be a generally productive week has turned, through a series of unforeseen events, into three insanely busy days. Not that this has made the rest of the week any less productive. The first three episodes are almost ready to deliver to our composer. The first scene will finally be shot tonight, and the next three days will feature a string of ADR and general recording sessions to round out the audio.

Sunday saw another training session, which went rather well, if I do say so myself. (Digressions into wholesale slaughter notwithstanding.)

Episode 4 is proving to be quite effects intensive in its first minute and a half, with several different energy, smoke, and fire events. Thus far an interesting challenge, but unfortunately we have no pictures to share of the process.

Well, that’s about it for this week. Until next time!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

A New Generation

  As the Season 1 shoot moves into its final stages, we turn our minds toward preparing for the next step. In this case, it's training the newest actors and stunties in the fine art of killing things and dieing.

 Thus far there is little to report on that front, except that everyone is progressing pretty much as expected.
A rough breakdown for Season 2 has also been made, pending final revisions.

The sound sync has been finished on all of the first three episodes, and trouble spots have been pinpointed for ADR adjustments, which have been scheduled for Friday. We're into the edit on episode 4, but there's a minor snag, I need to figure out how to make important exposition more interesting than it is right now, with very limited resources. Fortunately that can lead to some of the best results, so I look forward to the results with great enthusiasm.
That's about all for this week. Until next time!