Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Shipping Out

Okay, so really bad pun, but appropriate to the first image here; a work in progress screen cap of the pirate vessel from the first scene of Chaos.

Also appropriate, as the stunt team goes on a final march before we break for the holidays.

 In other news, the effects for Othersight are finished, now we're tidying up the audio a bit before final renders.

Have a good weekend, and Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Blind Testing

 I'm not sure if it's wise to admit what our latest escapade was with the stunt team, but the title probably gives you an idea. This week our trainees got to experience what many people consider trick-fighting: dueling with blindfolds.
 It may surprise people to learn that it doesn't require advanced martial arts training to "see" a lot without your eyes, just experience and focus.
 The sound edit (sans special effects) is almost complete for the first 20 minutes of Chaos, and attention has turned to the much-neglected final animation in Othersight. We are running test renders now, and hope to have this finished soon. But if the dragon is any indication, I may just be wildly optimistic.
 Well, that's about all for this week. Until next time!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Cycling Through

Now that we're about 20 minutes into the edit, I'm going back and developing the sound for those scenes. Bringing up levels, cleaning it up a bit, equalizing, and intercutting the computer voice as needed.Slow and tedious, but rewarding.
Sometimes you can only get so far teaching form and theory, then the best education is hands-on practice.

To properly develop the skills of sword and shield, our trainees faced off in a one on one duel, with massive performance and technique gains over the hour they worked.
Well, that's about all for this week. Until next time!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

All Ahead Full!

 So this week has been quite productive. Tumultuous in so many ways, but productive nonetheless. We're in the process of sound syncing scene 9, with the edit complete through 11. With approximately 34 scenes in this little show, that's pretty decent headway.

 As per normal, the stunt team met, and this time we focused on the tried and true method of teaching proper cutting, a method known as "striking at the pells." Basically practicing your technique against a vertical post. Many things are learned when you strike something that resists.
So not a flashy week, but I feel content with the progress we've made thus far, particularly after the weeks of enforced boredom.
Well, that's about all for this week. Until next time!