Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Diving and Grappling

Greetings, one and all! Well, this week certainly did not disappoint. A few days were dedicated to yet another pass on the Block 8 edit, followed by another couple days in color correction. As the lighting in this scene varies widely, there’s a lot of time dedicated to making things look at least comparable. So we’re neck deep in that, but hopefully close to the end. There are also several effects to do that require I learn new tech, so that’s gonna be fun.

This week the team met again, and this time we covered a wide range of topics. We started with refreshing our stunties on rolling, then followed with precision diving rolls, and capped it all off with a little choreography, and some Medieval wrestling.

All in all, a pretty fun time that hearkened back to the early days of the team where we could wander from topic to topic over the course of several hours.

Well, that’s about all for this week. Until next time!

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

The Turning of the Blade

 Greetings, one and all! Well, here we are, at another tipping point. Color correction and basic effects have been laid in through Block 7, which leaves us at the final two blocks. Next up, Block 8, where I last spent 3+ weeks on the edit and sound sync alone. Or rather, on one sequence in that block. The Spire has proved to be the single greatest time sink in the process, and it doesn’t show signs of changing. With the scene having been shot over seven days in varying lighting situations, the first pass of color correction will be trying to even out the look a bit. From there, we can start getting creative.

Sunday, the team met again, and this time focused on a much neglected aspect of choreography in our group: Dueling.

Three teams, three scenarios, multiple attempts to record each one. No matter how well they’d refined it by the end, the first attempt always went off the rails. So… maybe memory exercises next? All kidding aside, they did a very good job, their fights had plenty of energy, momentum, and, most importantly, entertained their audiences.

Well, that’s about all for this week. Until next time!

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

A Week in Preview

 Greetings, one and all! This week saw more refining to the edits, color correction, and even some effects work. Granted, a lot of effects will require we build models, so those are being deferred for now, but there are a few things we can do. Unfortunately, some of those things include covering for things I didn’t notice on the shoot day, (like trees mysteriously growing inside a house,) but progress was nonetheless made.

I also discovered that the fine edit for half of Block 5 was somehow incomplete, so we dove into that. On the plus side, this means the fight scene is a lot tighter now, with some good energy.

Well, that’s about all for this week. Until next time!

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

In Leaps and Falls

 Greetings, one and all! Color correction for the next several scenes has continued apace, but this week has also seen some effects work as well. As they’re light-based I’ve been troubleshooting the best way to make them look realistic when we didn’t have any good way to get a point light source of that color into that area… But, all in all, good progress.

Next up, the team met for some review of basic stunt work. Or, rather, we intended to do that, but first we wound up working on some… special choreography, before turning to the review work. This was in preparation for bringing back a slightly more challenging stunt, the precision diving roll. But we’ll get to that later.

Thus far we’ve made steady progress, and I’m happy with the visuals we’re creating. Not bad for the first pass.

Well, that’s about all for this week. Until next time!