Wednesday, August 13, 2014

T-Minus 2 Days

  So... here we are. The shoot officially begins Friday morning at 9. We'll start out kinda slow, with only three scenes planned for the day. This week, or rather this last month, has been packed with props fabrication, choreography, rewrites, and ad-hoc scheduling. Yes, this time we actually get a schedule. (Though it took only about 12 hours for the first hole to be blasted in it, but eh, that's life.) It's kinda ironic that the first official (read: public) outing for a serious sci-fi universe should be in a short comedy, but given who's making it, that's pretty much par for the course.
This will also be the first time since our first micro-project that we make extensive use of green screen. Granted, if I wanted to make the project look expensive... well, it would be expensive, but this allows us to provide scope on a budget that has more time than money. We will also be premiering the new designs for various weapons and ships. Everything has an in-universe reason for working the way it does, (compliments of my tech savvy brother,) and doesn't just exist "because it looks cool."
...except that one. The assassin's knife
Ranger's pistol

Knight's hammer

...and the rest of the arsenal.
Costuming has gone into full swing, and our brave team who delved the Goodwill bins turned up many characterful pieces. Set pics will come next week, though we will be shooting on Wednesdays, so the up date may come super early, or very late. Thanks for dropping by.
Until next time!

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