Wednesday, September 24, 2014

A Funny Thing Happened On the Way to the Blog…

Let’s just get this out of the way right off. I hate shopping. So it stands to reason that I would be doing nothing but for the last three weeks. First off, looking for a computer, then the realization that I’d probably be more comfortable with one I’d built myself. That led to hours upon hours upon days of research, reading up on the differences between chips, reading the reviews on motherboards. ‘Tis enough to drive one mad.
Our stunt team, with no specific project to pursue, (but with more than enough passion for beating up on each other to go around,) has returned to the beginning to refine the fundamentals of our collective art.

So what’s the funny thing, you ask? Pretty much the discovery of how many ways you can creatively say “this week same as last.” The number one rule of blogging is consistency, regularly putting stuff out in the public arena at a consistent time every week. (Gatewalkers took a huge hit when a technical glitch made it 14 hours late, further underscoring the principle.) Sadly, until the new computer is here and built, I really can’t even begin to work on the postproduction aspect of the project. It’s honestly kinda frustrating to me. I would cave to the desire to just but one pre-made if it wasn’t for the fact that I want to make the best use of the resources I have, and most pre-builds are a bit over-produced and under-engineered. So… here we are. Until that happens, I’ll continue to accost you with shiny pictures of people with weapons, and regale you, (to the best of my ability,) with whatever random stories happen to float on up from this wacky group. Deal?
Until next time!

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