Wednesday, March 16, 2016

BSP and the Case of the Boring Villain

After a couple weeks of push and pull, trying to decide what revisions should be made, seeing if there's anything we could do to reduce the required costuming budget, etc. We came upon a strange question: Are the villains too boring? Not the Tier 1 baddie, as he's been widely viewed as hilarious, but the overarching threat to the universe of the story. The series villain, versus the season villain, if you will. Fantasy has enough evil empires, and they start to get a little one-note after a while. So we're trying something a little different, perhaps an underestimated foe who utterly blindsides the kingdoms of men, but who has its own internal divisions as well. We shall see what we shall see...

We've finally crested the hill with a couple of our newer recruits, getting them to the point where they can do basic choreography with the other stunties. For that, I am extremely grateful.

Well, that's about all for this week. If all goes well, next time we'll have pictures from the team's Spring Break meet. Until then!

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