Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Steps, Scrap, and Sparring

Greetings, one and all! So this week had a rough patch, but we're moving into the next phases of pitching our work. More details to come, but part of it involves a bit of early casting. Yes, you heard that right. We didn't cast Stormborn until we knew what we had to work with. That led to us having less time to do the most important thing, working with our actors. However we cast Gatewalkers long before we knew our budget. This allowed us to work with the actors, and get the best performances possible. It also has the additional effect of expanding our reach through the social circles of our cast and crew. Granted, this whole process will be made more difficult with the pandemic restrictions, but we'll do what we can.

In other news, we're in the long process of acquiring scrap lumber for set construction. The old Solensgate set is slowly filling up with everything from old plywood to discarded fencing slats, but with sets including a tavern built inside a derelict holk, a crypt, a medieval street, and a vault, we've got a long way to go. So heads up to all my local readers. We're on the hunt.

Last but not least, the team met on Sunday, and man it's amazing to watch how good they're getting at sparring. They all sparred against each other one on one, with a mix of weapons, and it's really good to see them thinking fast and using clever tactics.

Apparently the unorthodox pairing of trident and dagger was particularly good against the spears...

Well, that's about all for this week. Until next time!

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