Wednesday, March 31, 2021

The Big Reveal (at Last)!

“Two siblings are sent by the mad trade baron Dalen Whythe to the ruined island of Belleros, forgotten home of a fallen empire. There, they must find a lost artifact to repay their parents’ debt. On this island of monsters and cutthroats, they will find their freedom, or die in the attempt.”

Thus goes the plot for the tentatively titled “The Nine Isles: Chaos Crown”, a feature length high fantasy production we will be shooting this summer.
This is easily one of the largest projects we’ve ever embarked upon, particularly on a logistical level. While Gatewalkers was longer, Chaos Crown features a large and colorful cast, which is both the story's primary charm, and the production’s primary nightmare, as we have to schedule shoot days with many people who all have very different work schedules. Madness, you say? Why, naturally. But we’re doing it, all the same.

Now that you know this, the news of the weeks going forward will make a lot more sense. Hot on the heels of last week’s readings, we dove into the first actor fight training day.

All told, we were on the job for about six hours, which is pretty intense, but it’s a rare thing to have so many actors available at the same time, so we seized the moment.

It’s a crazy path we have ahead of us, with many obstacles in our way, but we’ve assembled one of our largest casts ever during the year of a pandemic and lockdowns, so nothing seems entirely impossible, these days.

We’ll see you all next week, but until then… Onward!

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