Wednesday, August 3, 2022

First Scripts, Fine Structures, and Fight Scenes

Greetings, one and all! While most normal people take the weekends off, I tend to spend them working on projects that aren’t directly related to the main one on the table. It just so happens that this weekend saw the creation of a short two page script that’s a bit of a concept piece for a much longer script that’s been percolating for a long time. But this is the first time the ideas have come together all in one place.

To that end, the stunt team promptly met the next day, and choreographed a fight based off of that script.

On top of that, we also read whoever had acting inclinations for a couple of the parts.

Back on the Nine Isles side of things, I realized that we needed a lock on exactly how many of which kind of buildings would be in each shot. So I set about making detailed storyboards for those shots, and from that determined what templates to make, and started turning out the basic shapes needed for the most time sensitive structures. (They need to be shot in a similar lighting condition as the original live action plates, so a high late summer sun is needed, not a low winter one. Hence the rush.)

We now have a couple stacks of Medieval house walls that will need some structural backing before we can start assembly and detailing.

Well, that’s about all for this week. Until next time!

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