Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Returning Stunties and Completed Drafts

Greetings, one and all! I’m pleased to announce two things in this blog post.
First: that the entire stunt team was finally together for the first time in over a month. To wake them from their sluggishness, we put them through the paces marching, before having them break into teams and do a bit of assassin vs. knight choreography.

Despite the time away and general tiredness, they all managed to finish and get up to speed in good time.

Second: I have finally finished the first draft of a new feature-length script! This did not come without some difficulty, as a logging truck hit a power pole while I was writing, which caused a power glitch. This not only corrupted the script beyond retrieval, but somehow also corrupted the screenwriting program I was using to the point where it could not open any files. The damage went so deep that an uninstall would not fix it, I had to do a manual search and destroy on every loosely related file to get the job done. But, despite that, I managed to improve the script slightly, and bring it all to a conclusion in the next couple days. Thankfully I had an older version of the first two-thirds saved, so I didn’t have to start from scratch. That would’ve been heartbreaking. As mentioned previously, this is just the first chapter of a larger story, but it’s gratifying to have reached this point after so long, and after so many false starts.

Well, that’s about all for this week. Until next time!

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