Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Coming to a Point

Greetings, one and all! This week very much focused on the Thanksgiving holiday, but on either end of that we still managed to get a fair bit done. First off, working on designs for the movie, primarily uniforms and creatures. While I think the uniforms proper are coming along fairly well, the helmets for the boarding team still need some work. After that, we managed to get in a couple more composing sessions, fleshing out a few scenes.

Lastly, a sudden shift in availability led to us scrambling to come up with a training regimen for one new person and a handful of veterans. So we settled for a middle ground, where the veterans could try some new things, while the trainee could familiarize herself with the basics of cutting, parrying, and having a sword swung at your face. Then, as the temperature dropped, we retired indoors and practiced the art of the thrust.

Funny and epic moments were had, progress was made, and we draw ever closer to being able to fully integrate the new people into stunt team work.

Well, that’s about all for this week. Until next time!

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