Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Developing Characters and Alternative Actions

Greetings, one and all! Given that so much energy of late has been put toward preparing for presentations, we took the post-presentation breather to develop some character motivations for the next script idea on the docket, using a useful little tool called Four Corner Opposition. At its simplest, it centers around how four different characters will interact with the core theme of the film. A great example is Batman Begins, with how the characters of Bruce/Batman, Falcone, Ra’s al Ghul, and the Scarecrow each use and respond to the core theme of fear. In my case, we’re looking at four different perspectives on the theme of “rule” or control. So yes, this is shaping up to be a villain-heavy narrative.

In a more active vein, despite many people getting sick, we still had enough stunties for a decent veteran’s practice. Specifically, thinking through alternative responses to attacks, beyond one’s preferred methods.

 This was a stretching one, but it led to a few pleasant surprises along the way. An important part of the process includes coming up with bad or non-optimal ideas, because the truth is that an action that could get you killed may be only a wrist turn away from being a very effective action.

Well, that’s about all for this week. Until next time!

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